Map: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (Trails Illustrated)
Trails Illustrated maps feature in-depth trail and mileage information, topographic terrain, public land boundaries, OHV approved areas, and campsites.
Obverse covers the west half of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, to the border with Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge and south to the Arizona-Mexico border. Mainly wilderness areas with few trails and amenities.
Reverse covers the more visitor-friendly east side, which contains the Visitor Center, picnic areas and trails, and the Old Sonoyta Trail. Coverage extends to the Tohono O'Odham Reservation south to Mexico.
Unique to this monument, this map designates special backcountry zones and provides a quick guide to peak blooms of desert wildflowers. A good choice for extensive travel on trails in this National Monument.
1:50,000 scale (1 inch=0.8 miles) with 50 ft. contour interval. Revised 2019. $14.95