The Dolores River is one of the Southwest's best kept secrets. For 183 miles, from McPhee Dam to its confluence with the Colorado River in Utah, the Dolores offers a variety of scenery few other southwestern rivers can match. Whitewater, solitude, side canyon hikes, and superb campsites abound as the Dolores winds its way through canyons and valleys rich in history and folktales.
This award-winning book will guide you down the river and introduce you to its fascinating history and natural history.
40 pages of mile-by-mile maps, this guide covers the entire Dolores River from Bradfield Bridge to the confluence with the Colorado 171 miles later. With notes on rapids and points of interest. Reprinted from the 1997 edition. Forty pages, spiral bound, on water resistant paper. Disclaimer: We bring you this reprint of the Dolores River Guide's map section by popular demand. However, please note that the map has not been updated since its publication in 1997. Therefore, neither Public Lands Interpretive Association, nor the authors Ralph de Vries and Stephen G. Maurer, assume responsibility for any changes in the information that occurred and could impact boating or camping on the river since 1997.
Public Lands Interpretive Association 1997