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Explore your public lands in Wyoming.
Our map features recreation sites on public lands throughout the state across public land management agencies. Find your next hike or camping destination, decide where to fish, climb, hunt, make the most of the snow, enjoy the water, or plan a roadside picnic along a scenic drive out west.
In this least populated state in the union, Wyoming's wealth is open space and land, which includes the great grasslands of the east, the central basin deserts and badlands, and the many mountainous regions. Wyoming contains nearly 27 million acres of publicly-owned land, and since there are not enough people to fill it up, exploring these areas can be a joyful and solitary experience.
To say the wildlife in Wyoming is abundant is an understatement. Elk, bison, deer, moose, and antelope range freely across the grasslands and through the forests. Wetlands around reservoirs and rivers supports hundreds of birds species, and the streams and rivers jump with trout, salmon, and other native fish. Each ecosystem supports its communities of small mammals, like weasels, beaver, marmots, pika, prairie dogs, and mink, which offer predators like coyotes, mountain lions, and bears ample nourishment. Recently the gray wolf was introduced back into the Yellowstone ecosystem, where they seem to be thriving. While exploring your public lands in Wyoming, use your common sense around wildlife, and do not threaten the animals. The weather is changeable and often chilly, so go prepared, with layered clothing, plenty of water, and a good map.
Take some time to explore the wonders of Wyoming here. You will discover a wealth of detailed information about where to go and what to do while touring the public lands of this state.
In our Shop & Maps sections, you can purchase books, maps, and other educational items to make your virtual or real visit truly rewarding. To begin your journey, click on recreation site, use the filters above, or start searching.
For information on lodging, museums, tribal lands, and commercial attractions or services, contact the Wyoming Office of Tourism. For information about hunting and fishing regulations and licensing information for Wyoming, please contact Wyoming Game and Fish Department.