East of Red Bluff map shows a section of BLM land along the Sacramento River with trailheads, boat ramps, and fishing sites marked, and the Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge south of Red Bluff. Travel west of Red Bluff to explore a section of Shasta Trinity National Forest, or hike, horse ride, and backpack in Yolla Bolly Middle Eel Wilderness. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map @1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4"=1 mile), color-coded to show surface management, i.e. agency vs. private or tribal ownership. Map shows roads, water features, recreation sites, points of interest, and the township and range lines. Maps show trails and developed recreation areas such as campgrounds. Use for Deer Hunting in Units B2, B5, C3 and C4 and for Elk Hunting in Northeastern and Marble Mountains Zones. 2015
Vendor: BLM CA