From Sonora travel north on Hwy 4, a scenic byway, to Ebbetts Pass; numerous opportunities for camping, hiking, mountain biking, OHV riding, boating, and fishing along the way. East of Sonora on Hwy 108 travel east to Sonora Pass with many opportunities for camping, hiking, OHV riding, mountain biking, fishing, boating, and scenic viewing along the way. Southeast of Sonora explore the forest on Hwy 120 which leads to Yosemite National Park's northern entrance. Along the way are campgrounds, picnic areas, hiking trails, and scenic viewpoints. Enjoy rafting and swimming on the Tuolumne River. National Forest maps include topographic information(no contour lines), hiking trails, service roads, campgrounds, other recreation sites, water features, points of interest, regulations, and contact information if you need permits or additional information before you head for the great outdoors. The map includes information about motorized off-road travel (ATVs, motorcycles, etc.) Useful for CA Deer Hunting Units D5 and D6. Printed on water and tear-resistant synthetic paper. 2017
Vendor: Forest Service CA