Map shows parts of San Bernardino National Forest, Johnson Valley OHV Area, military land, and Joshua Tree National Park. From Yucca City travel south into the national park, or north to the OHV area. West of Yucca City or south of Lucerne Valley access the forest to explore the area surrounding Big Bear Lake and Baldwin Lake. Scenic drive the Big Bear Road Scenic Backway or Rim of the World Scenic Byway with opportunities for camping, fishing, mountain biking, and hiking. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map @1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4"=1 mile), color-coded to show surface management, i.e. agency vs. private or tribal ownership.
This map shows color-coded public and private ownership, roads, water features, recreation sites, campgrounds, points of interest, county boundaries, and the township and range lines. Map includes 8 map pages of the BLM Subregional Off-Highway Vehicle Route Supplements. Use this map for Deer Hunting in Units D12, D14 and D17. 2017
Vendor: BLM CA