From San Bernardino travel north to explore the forest on the scenic byways or forest roads leading to opportunities for camping, hiking, fishing, boating, and scenic viewing. Visit Big Bear Lake west of Big Bear City and enjoy boating, fishing, camping, hiking, picnicking, and interpretive programs. Numerous campgrounds are found in the Barton Flats Recreation Area northeast of Redlands. From Banning travel south on the scenic byway into the forest adjacent to San Jacinto Wilderness with opportunities for camping, hiking, mountain biking, scenic driving with wonderful scenic views of the mountains. Use your OHV on trails at Cactus Flat or Pinnacles OHV Staging Areas. National Forest maps include topographic information(no contour lines), hiking trails, service roads, campgrounds, other recreation sites, water features, points of interest, regulations, and contact information if you need permits or additional information before you head for the great outdoors. map is useful for CA Deer Hunting Units D11, D14, and D19. Printed on synthetic paper. 2018
Vendor: Forest Service CA