Map covers a southern section of Boise National Forest including rafting/floating the South Fork River, and Anderson Ranch Reservoir offering camping, fishing, and boating. Also a section of Sawtooth National Forest east of the reservoir is shown. BLM lands around Mountain Home ID include Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, and King Hill Creek Wilderness Study Area. For history buffs the Oregon National Historic Trail is marked as it crosses the BLM lands. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map @1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4"`1 mile), color-coded to show Surface Management/ownership. Map shows roads, forest roads, OHV/4WD roads, waterways, campgrounds, other recreation sites, points of interest, and township and range lines. Map is useful for OHV use, and ID Hunting Units 38,39,43,44,45. 2016
Vendor: BLM ID