The BLM quadrant maps are scaled at 1:100,000, and cover an area of about 30 x 50 miles. Beauty abounds in this area which includes the Gunnison National Forest and the San Isabel National Forest as well as the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness, the Fossil Ridge Wilderness, Buffalo Peaks Wilderness, and the Maroon Bells Snowmass Wilderness. Map also includes a section of the Arkansas River with campgrounds, fishing accesses, and river accesses for floating/rafting. Fishing, boating, and camping at Taylor Park Reservoir. Map is useful for OHV use, and Colorado Hunting Units 48, 49, 54, 55, 56, 57, 481, and 551. Ownership status is denoted by color, and roads, lakes, streams, and other topographical features are marked on these maps. 2016
Vendor: BLM CO