The BLM quadrant maps are scaled at 1:100,000, and cover an area of about 30 x 50 miles. This is spectacular high country with great recreational opportunities in the White River National Forest, the San Isabel National Forest, the Pike National Forest, and the Arapaho National Forest. Wilderness Areas include the Buffalo Peaks Wilderness, Maroon Bells Snowmass Wilderness. The Hunter Frying Pan Wilderness, and the Holy Cross Wilderness. Scenic driving on all the roads marked on the map. Leadville is surrounded by forest lands available for camping, hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, boating, and fishing. Visit Turquoise Lake and Twin Lakes Recreation Areas. Map is useful for OHV/ATV use, and Colorado Hunting Units 37,43, 444, 45, 47, 48, 49, 471, 500. Ownership status is denoted by color, and roads, lakes, streams, and other topographical features are marked on these maps. 2008
Vendor: BLM CO