Official Bureau of Land Management topographic maps @1:100,000 metric scale (roughly 3/4" = 1 mile), are color-coded to show federally-managed public lands; plus state, private, or tribal lands, military withdrawals, roads and trails, lakes, rivers and streams, and developed recreation areas. This is a great map to have while stalking the exotic oryx and other game in Hunting Units 18, 19, 20, and 17 or on White Sands Missle Range, wildlife watching, hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, camping, or OHV and ATV riding. Visit the Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge and enjoy wildlife viewing, hiking, scenic driving, photography, and picnicking. Sandhill cranes and snow geese overwinter here. Includes roads and lands in Socorro and Lincoln Counties. 2009
Vendor: BLM NM