BLM Management Status maps color code who owns what in the given quadrant; private, tribal, or public. Roads, waterways, recreation sites, and other manmade and natural features are clearly marked. West of Overton explore Valley of Fire State Park and surrounding BLM lands open to OHV use(ATV, jeep, and motorcycle). Farther west is the far east section of the Desert National Wildlife Range. East of Overton is the Virgin River and the very north section of Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Explore BLM lands on the Gold Butte Back Country Byway, watch for the Desert Tortoise Areas along the way. Map is useful for OHV use, and NV Hunting Units 243, 244, 267, 268, 271, 272, and 286. Scale 1:100,000 with topographic detail. 2011
Vendor: BLM NV