In Idaho the map covers a section of Coeur D'Alene National Forest, part of St. Joe National Forest southeast of Wallace, and St. Joe National Wild and Scenic River from Avery east to St. Joe Lake. In Montana map covers part of Lolo National Forest north, west, and south of St. Regis; includes Coeur D'Alene Mountains and Bitterroot Range. Scenic drive I-90 between Wallace and St. Regis. Explore the BLM lands around Wallace, and also southeast of Avery; recreation sites are marked. Map shows roads, forest roads, waterways, recreation sites, and points of interest. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map @1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4"`1 mile), color-coded to show Surface Management/ownership. Map is useful for OHV use, and ID Hunting Units 6, 7, 9; and Montana Deer, Elk, and Mountain Lion hunting in Units 123, 124, 200, 201, and 202 and Moose hunting in Unit 220. 2015
Vendor: BLM ID