This sectional map of the Flathead National Forest covers the Tally Lake Ranger District. Map includes the Stillwater State Forest, a small eastern part of Kootenai National Forest, Whitefish Lake, Ashley Lake, the Stillwater Lakes, and Talley Lake. From Whitefish travel north to Whitefish Lake for boating, fishing, and camping. Farther north are 2 mountain biking trails near Whitefish Mountain Resort. From Kalispell travel west to Ashley Lake for boating, fishing, and camping. Also access an ATV trail, and forest roads to explore the district and reach campgrounds and hiking trails. Opportunities for dirt biking, mountain biking, or horse riding on various trails. Official national forest map is scaled at 1: 100,000 (5/8 inch = 1 mile), includes topographic detail with contour lines and elevations.
Shows all color-coded lands, roads, waterways, trails, campgrounds, points of interest, other recreation sites, and township and range lines. The map includes information about motorized off-road travel (ATVs, motorcycles, etc.), and mountain biking. This map is topographic and is printed on paper. Map is useful for MT Hunting: Deer and Elk Units 102,103,110, and 170; Bear Units 102, 103, and 105; Moose Units 110 and 111; Mt. Lion Units 102 and 110. 2010
Vendor: Forest Service MT