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Map: New Mexico Recreation Northeast
Map: New Mexico Recreation Northeast
Map: New Mexico Recreation Northeast
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Map: New Mexico Recreation Northeast

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Revised, waterproof edition of the most comprehensive recreational map to the outdoor destinations of northeastern New Mexico. Detailed road information, GPS grid, hunting units, land ownership, emergency and contact numbers, campgrounds, state parks, and other attractions. Visit the wide open spaces of Kiowa National Grasslands, the crater of Capulin Volcano, historic Santa Fe Trail, Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge, or the ruins of Fort Union and Pecos national monuments, and Historic Route 66. Launch your explorations from Santa Fe, Las Vegas, (NM), Raton or from small ranching communities like Clayton or Roy. Scale: 1:375,000, $9.99, 2013

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: Public Lands Interpretive Association