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Detour New Mexico: Historic Destinations & Natural Wonders
Detour New Mexico: Historic Destinations & Natural Wonders
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Detour New Mexico: Historic Destinations & Natural Wonders

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New Mexico's rich and varied history is easily accessible via detours down obscure backroads and overlooked off-ramps. By taking the road less traveled in any direction, visitors can experience ancient landmarks, cultural heritage sites and striking vistas. Stop at places along the old Route 66, sample the world's best chiles by the Rio Grande or soak in geothermal water flowing under Truth or Consequences. Ancient dwellings in remote canyons, the town where the first atomic bomb was secretly assembled and the grave of Billy the Kid all lie off the beaten path in the Land of Enchantment. Authors Arthur and David Pike map out these and many more worthwhile points of interest for the curious traveler.

The History Press, 2017. Paperback, 192 pages.

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: History Press