Map: Bandelier National Monument (Trails Illustrated) NM
Trails Illustrated maps feature in-depth trail and mileage information, topographic terrain, public land boundaries, OHV approved areas, and campsites.
A thorough guide to the many recreation resources available at Bandelier National Monument. This one-sided map covers the Monument in its entirety, including detailed trail information, amenities and campgrounds, and unique regulations to observe at this historically important site. Insets show the popular Frijoles Canyon area in great detail, while maps of the backcountry zones and trails are useful to those seeking to explore the Bandelier Wilderness.
Nearby portions of the Santa Fe National Forest (including all of the Dome Wilderness and portions of the Caja Del Rio Plateau), connections via trail to Valles Caldera National Preserve, and public trails in the City of Los Alamos and Los Alamos National Labs are also represented.
The reverse features detailed historic and ecological information, as well as precautions to take when backpacking.
1:35,000scale (1 inch=0.6 miles) with 50 ft. contour interval. Revised 2020, printed on water/tear-proof synthetic material. $14.95.
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