East of Madras is part of Crooked River National Grasslands, and west is more of the grasslands with Lake Billy Chinook. Camping, boating, and fishing at the lake. Map shows a large part of Warm Springs Indian Reservation, a small section of Deschutes National Forest with Metolius Wild and Scenic River(camping and hiking), and Mount Hood National Forest west of the reservation. Shown on the map is Olallie Lake Scenic Area with camping, hiking, fishing and boating, and Mount Jefferson Wilderness with a section of the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map
@1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4" = 1 mile), color-coded to show surface
management, i.e. agency vs. private or tribal ownership. Map shows roads, water features, recreation sites, points of interest, and the township
and range lines. Useful for OR Hunting Units 16, 38, and 39. 2004.
Vendor: BLM OR