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MAP: John Day River Boater's Guide - Kimberly to Tumwater Falls (OR)
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MAP: John Day River Boater's Guide - Kimberly to Tumwater Falls (OR)

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Explore the reaches of the Wild & Scenic John Day River! From Kimberly, travel toward the Northwest, using this map to chart a few miles at a time. This detailed waterproof river guide is designed to help paddlers plan and navigate the river, providing information about potential hazards, ideal stops, put-ins, and portages, and landings.

Camp sites and potential stops are helpfully rated by their capacity and amenities. Left hand pages feature recreation information, while the right-hand pages feature 26 separate maps following the course of the river.

Map is at 1:31,680 scale (1" = 1/2 mi.). Maps show surface management and topography only along the John Day River. Printed on water and tear-resistant synthetic material. Spiral-bound, 67 pages, 2024.

Shows areas of OR hunt units 38, 43, 45, 47. 

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: Pacific Northwest Recreation Map Series