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The Night Sky Eclipse Glasses- (ISO 12312-2 Certified)
The Night Sky Eclipse Glasses- (ISO 12312-2 Certified)
The Night Sky Eclipse Glasses- (ISO 12312-2 Certified)
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The Night Sky Eclipse Glasses- (ISO 12312-2 Certified)

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(Limited Quantities: pick up from our Los Ranchos store only).


From the David Chandler Company, get ready for the 2023 Annular Eclipse with these certified eclipse glasses!

The lenses are certified to meet the ISO 12312-2 standard for solar viewing protection. With a simple cardboard and film construction, we are able to supply a limited quantity of these before the October 14th eclipse, so get them while you can!

These solar viewers are manufactured by American Paper Optics, who are generally considered a reputable supplier of certified eclipse viewers.


 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: David Chandler Company