Map shows mostly Unita National Forest land east of Provo to Strawberry Reservoir. Many opportunities for camping, hiking, boating, fishing, and scenic driving while exploring the expansive forest. From American Fork travel northeast into American Fork Canyon, visit Timpanagos Cave National Monument, then continue on exploring the forest roads with opportunities for camping, hiking, and fishing. From Spanish Fork travel southeast into the forest along Diamond Fork for a quieter experience. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map @1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4"`1 mile), color-coded to show Surface Management/ownership i.e. agency vs. private or tribal. Map shows roads, water features, recreation sites, points of interest, and township and range lines. Use this map for hunting in the Oquirrh-Stansbury, Wasatch Mtns., and West Desert units. 2012
Vendor: BLM UT