Map: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Trails Illustrated)
Trails Illustrated maps feature in-depth trail and mileage information, topographic terrain, public land boundaries, OHV approved areas, and campsites.
Coverage of Lake Powell and the extensive Glen Canyon Recreation Area.
Obverse covers the south portion of the Recreation Area, with the majority of Lake Powell near the Utah-Arizona border. Southern portions of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument to the Navajo Bridge Interpretive Center are displayed, as well as the roads around Page, AZ.
Reverse features the north side of the lake, to Hite Crossing and the Trail of the Ancients Scenic Byway (Utah SR-95). West of the Colorado River, many wilderness study areas are covered east and north of Capitol Reef National Park.
A good choice for backpacking or extensive trail travel. Features GPS coordinates, magnetic declination information, and a digital copy.
1:90,000scale (1 inch=1.4 miles) with 100 ft. contour interval. Revised 2019, printed on water/tear-proof synthetic material. $14.95.