Map: Grand Staircase, Paunsaugunt Plateau (Trails Illustrated)
Trails Illustrated maps feature in-depth trail and mileage information, topographic terrain, public land boundaries, OHV approved areas, and campsites.
Mainly centered on Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, West Side extends into Dixie National Forest Powell Ranger District to US-89, featuring Bryce Canyon National Park.
East side contains the wilderness portions of Grand Staircase-Escalante, plus Kodachrome Basin State Park and portions of the Dixie National Forest Escalante Ranger District, extending south to the border with Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
A good option for backpacking and more intensive hiking, with magnetic declination and GPS coordinate information, plus included digital version. Covers large portions of Kaiparowitz and Paunsaugunt wildlife units.
1:75,000 scale (1 inch=1.2 miles) with 50 ft. contour interval. Revised 2023, printed on water/tear-proof synthetic material. $14.95