Map covers the entire Umatilla forest in southern Washington and northern Oregon. From Walla Walla WA travel northeast, east or southeast to explore parts of the forest and reach the campgrounds, the Wenaha-Tucannon or North Fork Umatilla Wildernesses, and the Grande Ronde River. From Heppner or Ukiah travel into the forest in Oregon to reach the campgrounds, or North Fork John Day Wilderness. This map shows color-coded surface management ownership, camping and recreation areas, corrals, other Forest Service facilities, roads, water features, points of interest, and township and range lines. The forest map covers special use areas such as the North Fork Umatilla Wilderness, the Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness and the North Fork John Day Wilderness. Forest roads and trails are clearly marked. The map includes information about motorized off-road travel (ATVs, motorcycles, etc.) Scale is 1/2" = 1 mile. Map is useful for OR Hunting Units 45, 48, 49, 54, 55, and 56. Paper. 2003
Vendor: Forest Service OR