Map shows expansive BLM lands mostly north and west of Baggs. Also travel east to explore a section of Medicine Bow National Forest; camping and hiking at Lost Creek Campground. A section of the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail is marked. The BLM quadrant maps are scaled at 1:100,000, and cover an area of about 30 x 50 miles. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map @1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4"`1 mile), color-coded to show surface management, i.e. agency vs. private or tribal ownership. Map shows color coded public and private ownership, roads, OHV roads, water features, campgrounds, other recreation sites, points of interest, and the township and range lines. Use the map for OHV use, and WY Deer Hunting Units 82, 84, and 100; WY Elk HU 21, 108, and 124WY Antelope HU 53, 57, and 108. 2013
Vendor: BLM WY