Map includes the section of Shoshone NF from the Montana/Wyoming border south to about 8 miles north of Dubois WY. Included are North Absaroka Wilderness, Washakie Wilderness, and part of Teton Wilderness. Enjoy spectacular scenery while scenic driving on either the Beartooth Scenic Byway or Chief Joseph Scenic Hwy both east of Yellowstone National Park. From Buffalo Bill Reservoir travel west through the forest along the North Fork Shoshone River to Yellowstone NP. Many opportunities for wildlife viewing, camping, fishing, hiking, and scenic viewing along the roadways.
Map shows recreation information, camping and recreation areas, corrals, points of interest, and other Forest Service facilities. Forest roads and trails are clearly marked. Map is useful for OHV use and WY Antelope Hunting Units 80, 81, 84, and 85; WY Deer HU 105, 106, 109, 110, and 111; WY Elk HU 51, 53, 55, and 56. On tear-proof synthetic paper. 2020.
Vendor: Forest Service WY