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Caver Quest Academy

The Caver Quest Academy Project is a kid friendly, clear and concise educational experience geared toward 7th grade students in New Mexico. Presented by PLIA, this interactive experience introduces kids to cave safety, Leave No Trace ethics, in a fun and engaging environment. The program aims to develop students' ability to think critically, solve complex problems, and succeed in science and technology fields.

Caver Quest Academy features interactive games and learning modules that help students learn about the science and history behind local caves, developed using 3-D imaging of the cave interior. This digital experience will also introduce students to cave safety, equipment, and Leave No Trace ethics, in a fun and engaging environment.

Upon completion of the academy, students have the opportunity to explore the caves they learned about with a Bureau of Land Management Cave Specialist. For many students, this will be a unique, first-hand experience to remember.

From 2022 to 2024, PLIA, the BLM, and the Fort Stanton Cave Study Project teamed up to educate students on the valuable scientific resources in the Fort Stanton Cave and bring them on a special spelunking expedition to see the concepts in action. Students were amazed to see the 3-D model emerge in person as they explored the cave, and came away with a better understanding of cave science in action.

Special thanks to the Fort Stanton Cave Study Project - Snowy River Cave and researcher Ron Lipinski, for laying the groundwork for this program.

While PLIA is no longer a collaborator in this program, we look forward to seeing it continue to thrive and provide young New Mexicans with an invaluable experience on public lands.
