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El Malpais Community Art Program

Public Lands Interpretive Association and the Bureau of Land Management have partnered with Indigenous communities around the El Malpais National Conservation Area to develop an arts program that gives a platform to works inspired by the conservation, history, and culture of this very beautiful and historically important region of New Mexico.

Artists were invited to submit proposals for new artworks centered on these themes. Those that are evaluated to be a good fit were given a stipend to complete their work. Completed works are displayed at the BLM Ranger Station on NM-117 in the Conservation Area so that visitors to the area can enjoy art while gaining knowledge about the natural and cultural resources so rich in this landscape.

We received many submissions from local artists for small and large-scale works, including media such as sculpture, murals, fiber arts, painting, and more. We celebrated the participating artists with several events at the Ranger Station throughout the program.

The El Malpais Community Arts Program seeks to strengthen relationships with the land and the surrounding communities.

It is our intention that visitors to the area will enjoy meaningful art while gaining important knowledge about land stewardship, land conservation, history, and culture.

We hope visitors will stop at the Ranger Station to enjoy the recreation opportunities in the El Malpais National Conservation Area as well as the stunning artwork this program has inspired. See the collage below for a small sample of the artwork featured in the program.

Meet Some of the Artists Featured at El Malpais National Conservation Area

Visit the BLM Ranger Station at El Malpais