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Digital Tools for New Mexico Public Lands

Find resources for maps and planning trips onto public lands. Physical copies of the booklet are available at the PLIA Albuquerque Office and the New Mexico Public Lands Information Center.

Links to Digital Resources

US Geological Survey (USGS) Map Locator

This link will take you to the interactive map finder; locate topographic maps and more using this tool.

USGS TopoView

Similar tool geared toward digital viewing.

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Map Page

BLM National Data Map

An overview of surface management for the entire country.

BLM Interactive Recreation Opportunities Map

Interactive map for viewing recreation opportunities on BLM land only.


Apps for viewing New Mexico BLM data on mobile devices and desktop.


Android only app for BLM maps for the entire country.

US Forest Service (USFS) Interactive Recreation Map

Information for forest roads, trails, and recreation destinations.


Map tool for backcountry rescue open to the public.