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NM Public Lands: Frequently Asked Questions

Resources to answer some of the most common questions our organization gets about public lands in New Mexico. Physical copies of the booklet are available at the PLIA Albuquerque Office and the New Mexico Public Lands Information Center.

   Where can I go target shooting in New Mexico?

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service lands are generally open to target shooting outside of populated areas, recreation sites, and other excepted areas. Find regulations for the agencies here:

Bureau of Land Management Target Shooting Guidance

US Forest Service Target Shooting Guidance

Find contacts for New Mexico public land agencies in our Public Lands Directory.

   Where can I get woodcutting permits in New Mexico?

   Where can I ride OHVs in New Mexico?

ATVs, side-by-sides, 4-wheelers and other Off Highway Vehicles (OVHs) can be used on many US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management roads and trails, in addition to a number of designate state and local OHV areas.

Contact the nearest office for a land agency to find riding areas near you in our New Mexico Public Lands Directory.

NM Department of Game and Fish OHV Guidelines

NM Licenses and Permits for OHVS (mainly for non-residents)

NM Motor Vehicle Division OHV Guidelines

Bureau of Land Management Interactive OHV Map

   Where can I ride e-bikes on public lands?

OHV and motorized trails on Bureau of Land Management areas are generally open to e-bikes with a few exceptions.

BLM E-Bike Guidelines and Interactive Map

National Forests will vary in what areas are open to e-bikes. Generally, motorized trails will allow for e-bike use.

Contact a National Forest near you using our New Mexico Public Lands Directory

US Forest Service E-Bike Guidance