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Exploring Organ Mountains - Desert Peaks National Monument
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Exploring Organ Mountains - Desert Peaks National Monument

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Devon Fletcher and David Soules are devoted desert hikers and this volume collects their vast knowledge of New Mexico's Organ Mountains into one place. Rich with detailed trail descriptions and insight into the geology, history, and incredible sights that are accessible in the Organ Mountains - Desert Peaks National Monument. Features many topographic maps and black-and-white photos, as well as lists of trails and information about staying safe and gaining proper access to certain trails on state or private land.

For any adventures in Las Cruces, this guide is your key to hiking the Monument with confidence. Devon Fletcher and David Soules are both well-seasoned outdoorsmen with an immense appreciation for the Chihuahuan Desert and its inhabitants.

Self-published, paperback, 2022. $19.99

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: Devon Fletcher