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Hidden Gems: Roadside Treasures of New Mexico
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Hidden Gems: Roadside Treasures of New Mexico

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New Mexico's wealth of nature, history, and culture can be daunting to explore for the casual visitor, and even for a life-long resident! This travel guide seeks to highlight New Mexico's most interesting destinations, ranging from the well-known to the all-but-hidden. Divided into geographic sections, this comprehensive list of unique sites provide detailed information on travel and access points, any permits or admission charges, and nearby destinations to develop a day trip into a fantastic vacation.

Historic sites, museums, and public lands are some of the main categories, but fascinating ghost towns, public art, and unassuming sites of historic importance are also highlighted. The final chapter of the book centers on themed byways and travel routes, creating itineraries for food lovers, wine connoisseurs, history buffs, and more.


By Donna Blake Birchell. America Through Time, 2021. Full-color paperback, 240 pages.

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: Arcadia