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Map: Grand Canyon North and South Rims (Trails Illustrated)
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Map: Grand Canyon North and South Rims (Trails Illustrated)

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 Trails Illustrated maps feature in-depth trail and mileage information, topographic terrain, public land boundaries, OHV approved areas, and campsites.

This map covers large areas of the central Grand Canyon National Park, with detailed trail and contact information, backcountry areas marked, and clear safety information for more treacherous portions of the trails.

Obverse covers the west half, extending to Deer Creek campground and the Thunder River Trail in the northwest. North and south rims are shown to the borders with the Kaibab National Forest on both sides and the Havasupai Reservation. Coverage extends east along the Colorado River, ending at Hopi Point along the Tonto Trail.

Reverse covers the east half, extending along the canyon from Hopi Point and Grand Canyon Village in the west to the east entrance station and Beaver Trail. Well-known trails like the North Kaibab, Bright Angel, Clear Creek, and Tonto Trails are shown, as well as an inset of Grand Canyon Village and the surrounding trailheads.

1:50,000 scale (1 inch=0.8 miles) with 100 ft. contour interval. Revised 2023, printed on water/tear-proof synthetic material. $14.95

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: National Geographic