The BLM quadrant maps are scaled at 1:100,000, and cover an area of about 30 x 50 miles. Enjoy the stunning beauty and recreational opportunities of the Colorado National Monument; includes scenic driving, camping, and hiking. Extensive BLM lands surround this area and the Grand Mesa National Forest is nearby. Scenic driving on Hwy 65, the Grand Mesa Scenic Byway. Campgrounds, many lakes with fishing and boating, visitor centers, wildlife viewing, and wonderful scenic views delight the visitor driving the byway. OHV use at BLM's North Fruita Desert RA(camping) and Grand Valley OHV Area(day use) north of Grand Junction. Map is useful for OHV use, and Colorado Hunting Units 30,31,32,40,41,42,and 421. Ownership status is denoted by color, and roads, lakes, streams, and other topographical features are marked on these maps. 2016
Vendor: BLM CO