Official Bureau of Land Management topographic maps @1:100,000 metric scale (roughly 3/4" = 1 mile), are color-coded to show federally-managed public lands; plus state, private, or tribal lands, military withdrawals, roads and trails, lakes, rivers and streams, and developed recreation areas. It is a great map to have while stalking game in Hunting Units 21B, 24, and 20, wildlife watching, hiking, backpacking, mountain biking, camping, or OHV and ATV riding. Camping, hiking, boating, and fishing at Caballo Lake State Park and Percha Dam State Park on the Rio Grande. Visit Hatch, known for it's green chile. Includes roads and lands in Sierra, Grant, Dona Ana and Luna Counties; eastern portion of Gila National Forest. 2011
Vendor: BLM NM