Map shows mostly Deschutes National Forest land east or west of Sunriver or La Pine. Included is Newberry National Volcanic Monument with opportunities for scenic driving, camping, fishing, boating, and hiking. East of the monument is East Fort Rock OHV Trail System with camping at China Hat Campground. West of La Pine scenic drive the Cascades Lakes Scenic Highway from Elk Lake south to past Davis Lake with opportunities for scenic driving past numerous lakes, camping, hiking, mountain biking, fishing, and boating. From Elk Lake access trails leading into Three Sisters Wilderness and Pacific Crest National Trail. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map @1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4" = 1 mile), color-coded to show surface
management, i.e. agency vs. private or tribal ownership. Map shows roads, water features, recreation sites, points of interest, and the township
and range lines. Useful for OR Hunting Units 34 and 35. 2004
Vendor: BLM OR