Map shows mostly BLM lands west of Colorado border to about 10 miles west of Crescent Junction, and from a few miles north of I_70 south to a few miles south of Moab. Map includes a section of Manti La Sal National Forest east of Moab, the BLM's Colorado River Recreation Area, Arches National Park, and Sand Flats Recreation Area. From Moab travel in any direction to access outdoor recreation; includes hiking, camping, fishing, rafting/floating the river, mountain biking, scenic driving, and OHV riding on trails and roads. Official Bureau of Land Management metric topographic map @1:100,000 scale (roughly 3/4"`1 mile), color-coded to show Surface Management/ownership i.e. agency vs. private or tribal. Map shows roads, water features, campgrounds, other recreation sites, points of interest, and township and range lines. Use for hunting in the La Sal and Book Cliffs Units. 2015
Vendor: BLM UT