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Map: Owyhee Canyon Country OR - PNWRMS - 2023
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Map: Owyhee Canyon Country OR - PNWRMS - 2023

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The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Vale District offers 2.6 million acres where you can explore and enjoy the many hidden secrets of this remote corner of southeastern Oregon. We invite you to experience the thrilling whitewater, soothing hot springs, intriguing landscapes, colorful wildflowers, historic ranches, and expansive vistas of Owyhee Canyon Country. 

 Map covers the Vale District South area in the Southeast corner of the state of Oregon; covers lands from Lake Owyhee south to the Nevada border, and west from the Idaho border to the Alvord Desert and Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Area. Explore expansive BLM lands, visit Jordan Craters, or raft the three wild and scenic rivers with opportunities for camping, hiking, boating, floating the rivers, fishing, wildlife viewing, and scenic driving. 


The Pacific Northwest Recreation Map Series is jointly created by the Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service. They provide surface land status and key recreation features like roads, campgrounds, and day use areas on federal lands (including National Forests, National Parks, US Fish & Wildlife Service lands, and more)

2023, printed on durable paper. $19.99.


This map is suitable for hunting in OR Hunt Units 67 & 68.

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: Pacific Northwest Recreation Map Series