From Ellensburg travel southwest to explore Wenas State Wildlife Area, Ahtanum State Forest, and Oak Creek State Wildlife Area. East of Ellensburg is Whiskey Dick State Wildlife area and a large military reservation. West of Yakima is Cowiche Wildlife Area and a section of Snoqualmie National Forest. Scenic driving along the Yakima River and the Naches River with fishing access sites marked. Other activites include camping along the Yakima River and in some wildlife areas, wildlife viewing, and hiking. Official BLM Map shows color-coded federal, state, and private lands, topographic detail, roads, water features, recreation sites, points of interest, place names, county boundaries, and township and range lines. Use this map for hunting in Units 329, 334, 340, 342, 352, 360, 368, 371, and 372.
Scale is 1:100,000, roughly 3/4 inch to 1 mile. 2008
Vendor: BLM WA