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Salmon: A Wild and Scenic River Map & Guide
Salmon: A Wild and Scenic River Map & Guide
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Salmon: A Wild and Scenic River Map & Guide

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Covers the Salmon River in Idaho only from North Fork to Riggins. With a river like the Salmon, �wild and scenic� does not even begin to do it justice. All 125 miles are covered in this detailed guide for boating, whitewater, kayaking, fishing, hunting and just running the roiling waters of the Salmon. Guide is divided into sections; 46.4 mile "recreational" section, 77.6 mile "wild" section, and 26.8 mile section managed by the BLM which ends at Riggins ID. Appendix includes history of the area, common and threatened species, safety tips, backcountry ethics, and specific regulations. Map pages show boat ramps, camps, points of interest, and rapids. 47 pages on tear-proof, waterproof paper.

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: Forest Service ID