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The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants, Mushrooms, Fruits, and Nuts (3rd Edition)
The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants, Mushrooms, Fruits, and Nuts (3rd Edition)
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The Complete Guide to Edible Wild Plants, Mushrooms, Fruits, and Nuts (3rd Edition)

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Originally published in 2004, this revised edition of Katie Letcher Lyle's book provides a wealth of information on how to use native (and some non-native) plants and fungi as food. 

Learn how to identify and find dozens of plant families and species through Lyle's journal-like musings on the behavior, uses, and cultural contexts of these food sources. Also features basic recipes for each food, providing endless uses for your foraging finds. From candy-making, to baking, to simple sides and entrees, Lyle's recipes are enhanced by the rich stories behind each food involved.

It is recommended to consult experts or multiple authoritative sources like field guides before consuming foraged food (particularly mushrooms). In some regions like the Southwest, common edible varieties have look-alikes that can only be distinguished through making a spore print. Consult your local mycological society for guidance on identifying edible fungi.

FalconGuides, 3rd edition, 2017. 223 pages. $18.95.

 Every purchase made through our online store helps us continue our nonprofit education programs and services on Southwest public lands.

Vendor: National Book Network